Scuola di Italiano per Stranieri a Genova | | Individual Course / Duo

Individual Course / Duo

Tailor-made courses for all needs

  • One-to-one lessons or lessons for two/three students of the same language level.
  • 60 minutes/each lesson
  • Personalized program

Flexible time and attendance, depending on the needs of the student.

The course is perfect for those who want to:

  • learn or refine the Italian language
  • keep in touch with Italy, with our school and with its teachers
  • work with the Italian language and want to deepen their knowledge of specific topics related to the Italian, language such as business, industry or culture.
  • get a language certification


Ore individuali prezzo - 1 Persona prezzo - 2 Persone
1 ora 40 60
10 380 540
Oltre 10 37 54
20 720 1050
Oltre 20 36 52